Payment's Method
In advance, using MoneyGram, PayPal, DineroMail and Western Union services.
We accept these types of currencies:
U$D (American Dollars - USA)
€ (Euro - European Community)
The order will make, when the set's price will be accepted by the collector and the payment will be done in advance.
The order is subject to the stock. If there is not stock, it will take from 10 to 30 days according to the quantity of the order.
The shipment is using International Courier (by arranging with the collector).
Shipment's Value and Transfer's Value have to be paid by the collector or customer.

You have to think about some issues to organize your collection:
FIRST. Physical space to the collection.
SECOND. If you are going to collecting toys soldiers, war games or pieces of collection, investigate information such as year, place of procedence or determinated trade mark.
If you are interested in the esthetical or artistical path or if you want to get national pieces or a specific time or a particular nation or determinated weapons (Infantry, Cavalry or Artillery and the Army or Area Force).
Paola and
Roberto Lodoli